Shaykh Abdul Karim Al-Khudayr
His Name:
Abdul Karim ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Hamad Al-Khudir
His Place and Date of Birth:
He was born in Buraydah in 1374 A.H.
His Work:
He was a staff member in the Department of Sunnah and its Sciences in the Faculty of Usul-ul-Din at the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh until his early retirement on 27 Sha`ban, 1424 A.H. On Saturday 19 Safar, 1430, a Royal Decree was issued appointing the Shaykh – may Allah protect him – as a member of the Council of Senior Scholars, and on Sunday 25 Jumada Al-Awwal, a Royal Decree was issued appointing the Shaykh – may Allah protect him – as a full-time member of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’.
His Shaykhs:
In Al-Qassim:
1.     Shaykh Mubarak ibn Hasan Al-Rajih (may Allah be merciful to him)
2.     Shaykh Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Al-Mushaykih (may Allah protect him)
3.     Shaykh Muhammad Dhakir (may Allah be merciful to him)
4.     Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-Mutawwi` (may Allah be merciful to him)
5.     Shaykh Salih ibn Ahmad Al-Khuraysi (may Allah be merciful to him)
6.     Shaykh Salih Al-Sukaity (may Allah be merciful to him)
7.     Shaykh `Aly Al-Dali` (may Allah be merciful to him)
8.     Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Aly Al-Ruq (may Allah be merciful to him)
9.     Shaykh Fahd ibn Muhammad ibn Hammud Al-Mushaykih (may Allah protect him)
In Riyadh:
1.     Shaykh `Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Rahman Al-Ghudayyan (may Allah protect him)
2.     Shaykh `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz (may Allah be merciful to him)
3.     Shaykh Fahd ibn Hamin Al-Fahd Al-Hamin (may Allah be merciful to him)
4.     Shaykh `Abdul-Rahman Al-Sad-han (may Allah protect him)
5.     Shaykh `Abdul-`Aziz Al-Dawud (may Allah protect him)
6.     Shaykh `Abdul-`Aziz Al-Falih (may Allah protect him)
7.     Shaykh Salih ibn `Abdul-Rahman Al-Atram (may Allah be merciful to him)
His Works:
1.      Al-Hadith Al-Da`if Wa Hukm Al-ihtijaj Bihi (printed)
2.      Tahqiq Al-Nisf Al-Awal Min Fat-h Al-Mughyth Lil-Sakhawi (printed)
3.      Tahqiq Al-Raghbah Sharh Al-Nukhbah (printed)
4.      Sharh Qasab Al-Sukkar (handwritten)
5.      Sharh Al-Waraqat (handwritten)
6.      Sharh Al-Tajrid Al-Sarih Li Ahadith Al-Jami` Al-Sahih (handwritten)
He has written many reviews of popular books on Tafsir (explanation/exegesis of the meanings of the Qur’an), Hadith, `Aqidah (creed), and others.
`Abdul-Karim ibn `Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Rahman ibn Hamad Al-Khudir – nicknamed Abu Muhammad – was born in Buraydah in 1374 A.H. He is now about fifty years of age (may Allah prolong his life in obedience). He recited the Ever-Glorious Qur’an under Mubarak ibn Hasan Al-Rajih and Shaykh Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Al-Mushaykih. In 1385 A.H. he recited a large part of the Qur’an and memorized suras Al-Baqarah and Al `Imran under Shaykh Muhammad Dhakir.
In 1381 A.H. he entered primary school and graduated in 1386 A.H. He then entered the Educational Institute in Buraydah in 1387 A.H. and graduated in 1393 A.H. In the same year he joined the Faculty of Shari`ah in Riyadh and graduated in 1397 A.H. He was later appointed as a lecturer at the Faculty of Usul-ul-Din in the Department of Sunnah and its Sciences. He continued his higher studies until he received his Master’s Degree in 1402 A.H. His thesis was entitled Al-Hadith Al-Da`if Wa Hukm Al-Ihtijaj Bihi (The Weak Hadith and the Ruling on Judging by It). In 1407 A.H. he gained his Doctorate and his thesis was entitled Tahqiq Al-Nisf Al-Awwal Min Fat-h Al-Mughyth Bisharh Alfiyyat Al-Hadith Li Al-Hafizh Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Rahman Al-Sakhawy. He was subsequently appointed as an assistant professor in the Department of Sunnah and its Sciences in the Faculty of Usul-ul-Din until his early retirement on 27 Sha`ban, 1424 A.H. when he was fifty years old. On 19 Safar, 1430, a Royal Decree was issued appointing the Shaykh (may Allah protect him) as a member of the Council of Senior Scholars. On Sunday 25 Jumada Al-Awwal, a Royal Decree was issued appointing the Shaykh (may Allah protect him) as a member of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’.
His Seeking of Knowledge:
During his early years, he studied the books of Thalathat Al-Usul, Adab Al-Mashy Ila Al-Salah, Zad Al-Mustanqa`, Al-Tawhid, and many other books of knowledge under Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-Mutawwa` (may Allah be merciful to him). He then studied under Shaykh Salih ibn Ahmad Al-Khuraysi, Chief Judge of Al-Qassim at this time, (may Allah be merciful to him). He then moved to Riyadh, where he studied the principles of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) under `Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Rahman Al-Ghudayyan. He also studied inheritance, Tafsir of Ibn Kathir, Sunan Al-Tirmidhy, and many other books under Shaykh `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz (may Allah be merciful to him). He accompanied the Shaykh and studied under him in the mosque and in his home. After graduating from the Faculty of Shari`ah, he studied books of Tafsir, Hadith, `Aqidah, Fiqh, history, and literature.
He then studied under Shaykh Salih ibn `Abdul-Rahman Al-Atram Al-Hafizh ibn Hajar’s Sharh Al-Bukhari. His Shaykhs at the Educational Institute in Buraydah included Shaykh Salih Al-Sakity, Shaykh `Aly Al-Dali`, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Ruq (may Allah be merciful to all of them), Shaykh Fahd ibn Muhammad Al-Mushayqih (may Allah protect him), and many others.
His Shaykhs at the Faculty of Shari`ah included Shaykh Fahd Al-Hamin, Shyakh `Abdul-`Aziz Al-Dawud, Shaykh `Abdul-`Aziz Al-Falih, Shaykh `Abdul-Rahman Al-Sad-han (may Allah protect them), and many other scholars and Shaykhs.
The Shaykh’s keenness to seek knowledge is evident through his scholarly library, which is replete with different books and manuscripts that provide reference for many researchers.
His Scholarly Participation:
The Shaykh has had a great deal of scholarly participation, supervising the theses of Master’s Degree and Doctorate students in the Department of Sunnah and its Sciences. He has also held many scholarly courses, many of which have been recorded, including his explanation of the chapters of Fasting and Hajj in Zad Al-Mustanqi`, his explanation of Hadith Jabir concerning Hajj, his explanation of Nukhbat Al-Fikr Wa Nuzimuha, Sharh Al-Waraqat Wa Nuzimuha, and many other explanations, most of which are recorded, all praise be to Allah.
The Shaykh has held many scholarly courses throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Shaykh has participated a great deal on the Al-Qur’an Al-Karim Radio Station, including:
1.     An interview on the program Mawkib Al-Da`wah, on which he spoke about his active scholarly life. This interview was held by Muhammad Al-Mushawwah and broadcast in 1420 A.H.
2.     Thirty episodes on fasting, broadcast during Ramadan, 1421 A.H.
3.     A weekly lesson on the explanation of Mukhtasar Sahih Al-Bukhari by Al-Zubaidy.
4.     Thirty episodes about the Prophet’s Guidance in Ramadan, broadcast in 1423 A.H.
5.     Thirty episodes about the Prophet’s characteristics during Ramadan, broadcast in 1424 A.H.
6.     Thirteen episodes about Al-Imam Al-Bukhari’s doctrine concerning Hajj, broadcast during the Hajj season in 1424 A.H.
7.     Interviews concerning the library of the knowledge seekers.
8.     Answering the questions of listeners on a program that is broadcast every Friday afternoon at 4 pm.
His Lessons:
The Shaykh gives various scholarly lessons on most days of the week. He (may Allah protect him) has taught many of the scholarly books, including: Sharh Al-Waraqat by Al-Muhally, Al-Qala’id Al-`Anbariyyah Fi Sharh Al-Manzumah Al-Bayquniyyah, Khulasat Al-Kalam, Al-Ta`liqat Al-Suniyyah `Ala Al-`Aqidah Al-Wasatiyyah by Ibn Sa`di, Al-Tawhid by Ibn Khuzaymah, Mukhtasar Qawa`id Ibn Rajab by Ibn Sa`di, Sharh `Ilal Al-Tirmidhy, Fat-h Al-Bary, Alfiyyat Al-Hadith, Albulbul Fi Usul Al-Fiqh, Al-Ba`ith Al-Hathith, Qasab Al-Sukkar, Al-Muwatta’, Musnad Al-Imam Ahmad, Al-Muntaqa by Al-Majd ibn Taymiyyah, Fat-h Al-Majid, Kitab Al-Tawhid, Taysir Al-`Aziz Al-Hamid, Qurrat `Uyun Al-Muwahhidin, Al-Ujrumiyyah, Akhsasr Al-Mukhtasarat, Al-Mufhim Sharh Mukhtasar Sahih Muslim by Al-Qurtubi, Al-Muqidhah by Al-Dhahabi, Fat-h Al-Mughyth, Al-Kafy by Ibn Qudamah, Thalasat Al-Usul, Al-Arba`in Al-Nawawiyyah, Al-Durar Al-Suniyyah, Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, and Tafsir Ibn Kathir.
May Allah protect the Shaykh, prolong his life, make his knowledge beneficial for Islam and Muslims, guide him to everything that is good, and protect him against overt and covert trials.